Can Summer Heat Damage My Driveway Surface? Keeping Your Buckinghamshire Driveway Cool

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Summer’s arrival brings sunshine, barbecues, and hopefully, plenty of time spent outdoors. But the scorching sun and relentless heat can also wreak havoc on various aspects of your home, including your driveway. Here in Buckinghamshire, with its beautiful mix of urban and rural landscapes, driveways see a lot of use. So, the question arises: can summer heat damage your driveway surface? The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

Let’s delve into how summer heat can affect your driveway and what you can do to protect it:

The Culprits: Sun and Heat

The primary culprits behind heat damage are the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and intense heat. Here’s how they work their magic (or lack thereof):

  • Asphalt Oxidation: Asphalt, a common driveway material, contains binders that hold everything together. UV rays break down these binders over time, making the asphalt brittle and more susceptible to cracking.
  • Thermal Expansion and Contraction: Like most materials, asphalt expands when hot and contracts when cool. Extreme summer heat can cause significant expansion, leading to cracks and uneven surfaces.
  • Softening: Under intense heat, asphalt can soften, making it more prone to indentations from parked cars or heavy objects.

Warning Signs of Heat Damage

Here are some telltale signs that your driveway might be succumbing to the summer heat:

  • Cracks: These are the most obvious signs of damage. Small cracks can worsen over time due to further heat exposure and freeze-thaw cycles in winter.
  • Alligatoring: This refers to a network of small cracks that resemble alligator skin. It indicates significant asphalt deterioration.
  • Fading: Excess sun exposure can cause the colour of your driveway to fade, making it look dull and lifeless.
  • Pooling Water: Heat-induced cracks can allow water to seep into the subbase, causing uneven settling and pooling on the surface.

Protecting Your Buckinghamshire Driveway from the Heat

The good news is there are steps you can take to minimise heat damage and keep your driveway looking its best:

  • Sealcoating: A fresh coat of sealer every 3-5 years acts as a protective barrier against UV rays and moisture. This helps maintain the asphalt’s flexibility and prevents cracking.
  • Shade It Up: If possible, park your cars in a shaded area during the hottest part of the day. Consider planting trees or installing shade sails to provide some relief for your driveway.
  • Limit Heavy Traffic: Extreme heat can make your driveway more vulnerable to weight. If possible, avoid parking heavy vehicles on your driveway during prolonged hot spells.
  • Regular Cleaning: Debris, like leaves and dirt can trap heat and accelerate damage. Regular sweeping and hosing down your driveway helps keep it clean and cool.

Taking Action in Buckinghamshire

If you notice signs of heat damage on your driveway, it’s important to address them promptly.  Here at Mammoth Services, we have extensive experience repairing and maintaining driveways throughout Buckinghamshire.  We can offer:

  • Free Driveway Inspections: Our experts will assess the condition of your driveway and recommend the best course of action.
  • Professional Repairs: We can address existing cracks, potholes, and other heat-related damage using top-quality materials and techniques.
  • Sealcoating Services: A fresh coat of sealer applied by our professionals will protect your driveway from further heat damage and extend its lifespan.


By understanding the threats posed by summer heat and taking proactive measures, you can safeguard your driveway and ensure it remains a durable and aesthetically pleasing part of your Buckinghamshire property.  Don’t let the summer sun steal the shine off your driveway.  Contact Mammoth Services today for a free consultation and keep your Bucks Buckinghamshire driveway looking its best!

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