Can I Drop My Kerb Myself?

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Dropping a kerb can be a necessary modification for homeowners who wish to create a driveway or improve access to their property. While it might seem like a straightforward task, there are several factors to consider before undertaking such a project yourself. This blog will explore the feasibility of a DIY kerb drop, the steps involved, and the potential risks and regulations to be aware of.

Understanding the Process

Dropping a kerb involves lowering the pavement and kerb stones to create a smooth transition from the road to your driveway. This process requires specific tools and skills, including excavation, concrete laying, and potentially modifying public property. Here’s a general overview of the steps:

  1. Planning and Permission: The first and most crucial step is obtaining permission from your local council. Dropping a kerb affects public property, so you will need to apply for a licence and possibly submit plans or drawings for approval.
  2. Safety Measures: Ensure the area is safe for work. This includes using barriers and signs to alert pedestrians and drivers of the ongoing work.
  3. Excavation: Remove the existing kerb stones and dig out the pavement to the required depth.
  4. Laying Foundations: Lay a solid foundation to support the new kerb stones and the transition area.
  5. Setting the Kerb: Position and fix the new kerb stones in place, ensuring they are level and properly aligned.
  6. Finishing: Backfill the area with appropriate materials, compact, and finish the surface to match the surrounding pavement.

Potential Challenges

While the process might appear manageable, several challenges can arise:

  • Technical Skills: Dropping a kerb requires specific skills and knowledge, especially in handling concrete and ensuring proper drainage.
  • Tools and Equipment: Specialised tools and equipment are needed, which can be costly to rent or purchase.
  • Legal and Safety Risks: Failing to comply with local regulations or improperly completing the work can lead to fines, legal issues, and safety hazards.

When to Hire a Professional

Given the complexity and potential risks, hiring a professional is often the best course of action. Professionals are experienced, have the necessary equipment, and can ensure the job is done safely and to code. Additionally, they can manage the entire process, including obtaining permits and coordinating with the council.


While it is technically possible to drop a kerb yourself, the process is fraught with challenges and potential pitfalls. The need for specific skills, tools, and compliance with regulations makes it a task best left to professionals. If you’re considering dropping your kerb, get in contact with us today – we’re a local accredited contractor based in Amersham and can work with you to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

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